About Me

Hello There!

My curiosity to the computers has never ended since I was child. As a result of my interest to technology, I have developed myself in many areas of information technologies and I have been improving it. I want to pursue a career in one of Programmer, Web Developer and Graphic Designer who are between my future goals.

My area of interest is generally on program development, but the technologies I have been interested in recently are; C #, Java, Artificial Intelligence and especially Python.

My Resume

  • Chronology

  • Hello World

    Switzerland - 1997

    I opened my eyes to the world on a cold day in the middle of winter

  • My Childhood

    Switzerland - 1997-2010

    Life was good when I was a kid, brother. I didn't know how time passed, now it's flowing like water

  • Hello World 2

    Turkey - 2010

    How happy is the one who says I am a Turk

  • Education

  • High School

    Eti Anadolu High School - 2013-2017

    It was a year that I started working on learning python in the 2nd semester of the 11th grade

  • Associate Degree

    Ondokuz Mayıs University - 2018-2020

    It was a time when I have a lot of time and had the chance to improve myself

My Services

Web Developent

A developer focuses on details, not the big picture.

Python Programing

Logic takes you from point A to point B, but Imagination takes you everywhere.

Java Desktop App

system.out.println("A Coffee Please")


The difference between good design and big design is intelligence.


"Chasing the truth is more important than getting it."

C# desktop App

Tell me your processor, I'll tell you who you are.



Hire Me!

I know very well what kind of problems can be meet while doing this job and what are the solutions to these problems.